Prix indépendants
68e édition
Les prix indepéndants offrent aux artistes lauréats des accompagnements et des rebonds avec des structures partenaires suite à l’exposition / Independant prizes will provide artists with follow-ups and support from partners after the exhibition.
Aponia, Villiers sur Marne / Exposition et édition
Figure Figure est une revue numérique fondée en 2017 spécialisée dans la jeune création contemporaine. Figure Figure offre un espace propice au dialogue, à la réflexion et à la médiation. Le lauréat bénéficiera d’une édition qui lui sera dédiée le mois de l’exposition Jeune Création ainsi que d’un entretien public.
Figure Figure is a digital magazine founded in 2017 and specialized in young contempo- rary creation. Figure Figure offers a space for dialogue, reflection and public outreach. The winner will benefit from an edition dedicated to him/her during the month of the Jeune Création exhibition as well as a public interview.
Lauréate : Madison Bycroft
Figure Figure
Cabane Georgina, Marseille / Résidence
La cabane Georgina est un espace interstice où les choses s’apprécient dans l’intimité du quotidien d’un lieu de vie habité. Terrain de jeux et d’expériences, elle se constitue comme un lieu de repli propice à l’imagination et à l’exploration. Pour la quatrième année consécutive, le lauréat bénéficiera d’un programme de résidence.
The Cabane Georgina is a non-traditional space where things thrive in intimacy of daily life in an inhabited space. A welcoming space for games and experiments, it is conceived as a place to retreat to, but also to give oneself to imagination and exploration. For the fourth year, the prize-winner will be granted a residency program.
Lauréate : Kanaria et Martin Chramosta
La Cave / Filaf, Perpignan / Résidence & exposition
La Cave est un projet de résidence de recherche et d’expérimentation original, initié en 2016. Il propose
à un artiste de faire l’expérience de conditions de vie autarciques et minimalistes, privé de lumière du jour et de moyens de communication modernes. L’artiste bénéficiera d’un temps de résidence et d’une exposition à la galerie du Filaf.
Established in 2016 as a residence for research and orginal experimentation, La Cave’s purpose is to restrict the artist to a minimalistic, self-sufficient lifestyle, in which he or she is deprived of sunlight and modern communication methods. The artist will be awarded a period of residence and an exhibition at the Filaf gallery.
Lauréats : Charles-Henry Sommelette et Eric Ramos Guerrero
LeChassis, Paris / Exposition et édition
Lechassis est une plateforme de soutien de la jeune création d’art visuel. Initié en 2013 par Romain Semeteys, accompagné depuis par une équipe et des contributeurs réguliers, c’est à la fois une revue imprimée diffusée gratuitement, des contenus en ligne et des expositions. Le lauréat bénéficiera d’un focus de plusieurs pages sur son travail dans la prochaine parution de la revue.
Exhibition and publishing project. Lechassis is a non-profit platform that support emerging artists. Initiated in 2013 by Romain Semeteys, accompanied by a team and regular contributors, it is at the same time a printed magazine spread free of charge, online content and exhibitions. The prize-winner will benefit from a multi-pages focus on his work in the forthcoming issue of the magazine.
Lauréat : Charlie Aubry
Le Crous de Paris, Paris / Exposition
Consacrée à la promotion de jeunes artistes, encore étudiants ou diplô-més depuis moins de 10 ans, issus de cursus différents (art, sciences, lettres, architecture, cinéma…). Lieu stratégique où les univers artistiques se croisent, la galerie accueille tout au long de l’année une vingtaine d’expositions individuelles ou collectives. Le lauréat bénéficie-ra de 2 semaines d’exposition début Juillet 2020, avec un accompagnement sur la communication, la préparation et le montage de l’exposition.
Dedicated to the promotion of young artists, still students or graduates for less than 10 years, from different backgrounds (art, science, literature, architecture, cinema…). A strategic place where artistic worlds meet, the gallery hosts some twenty solo or group exhibitions throughout the year. The winner will benefit from two weeks of exhibition at the beginning of July 2020, with support on communication, preparation and assembly of the exhibition.
Lauréate : Pierre Bellot
Diamètre, Paris / Exposition
Fondée en 2014, l’association favorise les projets entre jeunes historiens de l’art et artistes émergents. Plateforme de réflexion autant que de production, Diamètre se conçoit comme un espace propice
à l’expérimentation, à la discussion et à l’apprentissage dans un esprit de partage et d’entraide. Le lauréat bénéficiera d’une exposition.
Established in 2014, the Diamètre association encourages projects that bring together young art historians and up-and-coming artists, creating an environment in which research and creation come together to encourage experimentation, discussion and mutual learning. The winner will be awarded an exhibition
Lauréate : Radouan Zeghidour
Double V Gallery / Mécènes du sud, Marseille / Résidence et exposition
Créée fin 2016, la Double V Gallery se veut un espace d’exposition singulier où les médiums, les générations et les notoriétés diverses se côtoient. Double V impulse une nouvelle vision de la galerie d’art, qui privilégie autant le plaisir, l’émotion que la culture et l’érudition. Le lauréat bénéficiera d’un temps de résidence d’un mois grâce au soutien de Isabelle et Roland Carta / Mécènes du Sud, et d’une exposition personnelle.
Residency and exhibition. The Double V is a singular gallery where all sorts of different media converge, spanning several generations of varying notoriety. Double V advocates a fresh look at art galleries, wherein the emphasis is placed on pleasure and emotion as much as on knowledge and culture. The winner will be awarded a residency of a month thanks to the support of Isabelle et Roland Carta / Mécènes du Sud, and a personal exhibition.
Lauréate : Maximilien Pellet
Galerie Joan Font, Paris / Exposition et édition de multiples
Galeriste tourné vers la figuration, Joan Font manifeste un goût pour les artistes du Sud de la France et de la Catalogne, peintres, dessinateurs, photographes et illustrateurs. Ce lieu se définit par un esprit coopératif, le désir d’émulation artistique et d’échanges humains forts. Le lauréat bénéficiera d’une exposition collective et d’une édition de multiples.
Exhibition and edition of multiples. Joan Font is a gallery manager whose taste leans towards the figurative. It promotes artists from the South of France and Catalonia, painters, photographers and illustrators. Her gallery is defined by its cooperative spirit and a desire for artistic emulation and human communication. The winner will be awarded a collective exhibition and an edition of multiples.
Lauréat : Kornel Zezula
Un monde parallèle, Allemagne / Résidence
Au printemps 2018, Das[Ein] Kollektiv propose la résidence « Un monde parallèle » à un artiste dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec la plateforme Fugitif à Leipzig. Cette résidence est financée avec le soutien de l’OFAJ, l’Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse.
Residency. In spring, 2018, Das [ Ein ] Kollektiv offers the residence « A parallel world » to an artist within the framework of a partnership with the platform Fugitif in Leipzig. This residence is financed with the support of the OFAJ, the French-German Service for the Youth.
Lauréate : Radouan Zeghidour
Fugitif, Leipzig / Résidence
Based in Leipzig (Germany), Fugitif is a Franco-German platform for artists and cultural manager. It aims to create links and relationships between various artistic, cultural or science practices. the prize-winner will be awarded a residency.
Lauréate : Maria Alcaide
Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery, Belgique / Exposition collective
Fondée en 2011, Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery naît du désir de promouvoir des artistes généralement vivants, insuffisamment représentés et pourtant de grande qualité. Sous-jacente, l’idée de créer un lieu de rencontre entre le haut et le bas, l’est et l’ouest, les différents médias, sans exclusion aucune, rompant avec toute idée de spécialisation, de ligne ou de hiérarchie. Le projet reste à imaginer.
Mathilde Hatzenberger Gallery was founded in 2011 with the aim of promoting active artists who are not yet receiving the recognition they deserve. The underlining goal is to unequivocally bring together artists from north, south, east and west, heedless of specialisation or hierarchy. The project remains to be imagined.
Lauréat : Slinko, Maxim Brandt, Akshay Raj Singh Rathore, Eric Ramos Guerrero et Paul Anton Maciejowski.
Galerie du Haut-Pavé, Paris / Exposition
Exhibition. Established in 1953, La Galerie du Haut Pavé non-profit is dedicated to the discovery of young artists that represent different currents of today’s contemporary art scene, by allowing them to present their first solo show. For the third year, the prize-winners will be granted a group show at the gallery.
Lauréat : Thomas Auriol
Immanence, Paris / Exposition
Exhibition. Immanence opened in 2000 and welcomes exhibitions, distribution, production and experimentation in the realm of contemporary creation. It is located at 21 avenue du Maine, and is part of the area’s recent profusion of artist studios. The winner will be awarded an exhibition.
Lauréats : Pierre Bellot et Maximilien Pellet
Galerie municipale Jean-Collet, Vitry-sur-Seine / Programme de performance
La Galerie municipale Jean-Collet a ouvert ses portes en 1982. Soutenir, promouvoir, diffuser les arts plastiques et les arts visuels, sensibiliser les publics à la création contemporaine : ce sont les missions qu’elle se donne. La Galerie est également en charge de trois collections. Le lauréat participera au programme de performances lancé en 2018 par la galerie.
The municipal gallery of Jean-Collet opened in 1982. Its aim is to support and promote visual arts, and to raise awareness for contemporary art. The Gallery is also in charge of three public collections. The winner will be awarded a place in the Gallery’s 2018 performance arts programme.
Lauréate : Qingmei Yao
Agence Kyubes, Paris /Exposition et édition de multiples
Exhibition and edition of multiples. Kyubes is a commercial development, communication and public relations agency founded in 2016 by Nancy Angama, for people who work in construction. She mainly works with architects, development departments and promoters. The winner will be awarded a collective exhibition and an edition of multiples.
Lauréat : Charles-Henry Sommelette
Lieu-Commun, Toulouse / Résidence
Residency. Born out of the initiative of three contemporary art non-profits in Toulouse, Lieu-Commun’s main vocation is to promote and support contemporary creation by providing to local and international artists with work spaces. The prize-winner will be granted a residency program.
Lauréat : Charlie Aubry
Lieux-Communs, Belgique / Résidence et exposition
Residency and exhibition. Lieux-Communs is an artistic platform opened in 2010 in Namur (Be). Its purpose is to present contemporary art outside of its expected contexts, in new spaces, thus expanding their audience. For the third year, the prize-winner will be granted a residency followed by a solo show.
Lauréat : Radouan Zeghidour
Look and Listen, Saint-Chamas / Exposition
Exhibition. Founded in 2010 Look and Listen aims to be a resource centre for contemporary painters by creating and distributing works of art, and building public awareness. They also offer artists training and a place to stay. The winner will be awarded an exhibition.
Lauréate : Sara Ivone
Marin Beaux-Arts, Arcueil / Catalogue monographique
Depuis 1947, à Arcueil, la Maison Marin fabrique du matériel pour les artistes peintres. Antoine Marin, a développé auprès d’amis peintres son savoir-faire artisanal. Aujourd’hui, la Maison Marin soutient activement la peinture contemporaine. Le lauréat bénéficiera d’un catalogue monographique et de matériel Marin Beaux-Arts.
Marin Beaux-arts in Arcueil has been making supplies for painters since 1947. Antoine Marin developed his craftsmanship alongside his painter friends. Today, Marin Beaux-Arts offers a range of services and supplies to painters, museums and fine arts professionals. The prize-winner will benefit from a monographic catalog and Marin Beaux-Arts’s material.
Lauréat : Maximilien Pellet
Multiple Un, Paris / Exposition et édition de multiples
Exhibition and edition of multiples. Created in 2013 by Nancy Angama and Frédéric Galliano, Multiple Un is a publishing house that specialises in multiples and original prints. The duo invites artists, architects and designers based on their capacity to think outside the box, leading to radical prints and synthetic expressions. The winner will be awarded a collective exhibition and an edition of multiples.
Lauréat : Akshay Raj Singh Rathore
No Mad Galerie, Paris / Exposition et édition de multiples
Exhibition and edition of multiples. The No Mad gallery was created by Arnaud Faure Beaulieu in an attempt to promote contemporary art in all its forms, encouraging a connection between artists, the public and the world of business. The winner will be awarded a collective exhibition and an edition of multiples.
Lauréat : Pierre-Marie Drapeau-Martin
Galerie Olivier Nouvellet, Paris / Exposition
Exhibition. Since 1984, the Olivier Nouvellet gallery is located in rue Seine, at the heart of Saint- Germain- des-Prés in Paris. The gallery offers an eclectic programme which includes both emerging and renowned artists, of all generations and practices. The winner will be awarded a personal exhibition.
Lauréat : Riccardo Olerhead
Orange Rouge, Paris / Programe d’atelier
Fondé en 2006 par Corinne Digard, Orange Rouge provoque la rencontre insolite entre adolescents en situation de handicap et artistes à travers la création d’une œuvre collective. Présentée au public lors d’une exposi-tion, l’œuvre concrétise et fait rayonner l’engagement de tous les acteurs du projet. Le lauréat produira une œuvre dans le cadre de ce programme.
Created in 2006 by Corinne Digard, Orange Rouge organises encounters between disabled teenagers and contemporary artists, in which both parties contribute to create a collective piece. Presented to the public, this work represents the commitment of all the participants. The winner will contribute to a piece for this program.
Lauréat : Qingmei Yao
Paablo, Lyon / Édition d’une Art Box et exposition
Art Box’s edition and exhibition. The publisher PAABLO was founded in 2017 in order to promote up and coming artists and provide them with more exposure. Every 2 months, PAABLO puts out a boxed set focusing on an artist’s work. They include a signed and numbered print, a simple print and a monograph. The winner will be awarded an Art Box of his work, a payment and an exhibition in Lyon.
Lauréat : Benedetto Bufalino
Le Palais des Paris, Japon / Résidence et bourse de création
Pour la quatrième année le Palais des Paris à Gunma, au Japon, désignera un lauréat pour son programme de résidence doté d’une bourse de transport et de création. Le Palais des Paris, situé en périphérie de Tokyo, développe des interventions artistiques locales en relation à la société japonaise.
Creation residency and grant. For the fourth year, the Palais des Paris, Gunma, Japan, will award its residency prize to one young artist, along with a transportation and production grant. The Palais des Paris, situated in the outskirts of Tokyo, develops local artistic interventions in relation to Japanese society.
Lauréat : Jean-Baptiste Janisset
Paréidolie — le salon du dessin contemporain, Marseille / Résidence et exposition
Residency and exhibition. Created in 2014, PARÉIDOLIE, International contemporary drawing fair, hosts in Marseille fifteen international galleries. PARÉIDOLIE has managed to keep a friendly yet highly professional atmosphere. The prize-winner will be granted a time of residency and will be part of a collective exhibition À l’heure du dessin # 6e temps.
Lauréat : Lucien Roux
École des arts — paris 1 panthéon Sorbonne, Paris / Exposition collective
Collective exhibition. L’École des Arts de la Sorbonne strives to address the stakes, the practices and public perception of contemporary art. The winner will be invited to participate in the diploma show which will take place in April 2019 and will present works by graduates of the master 2 Sciences et Techniques de l’Exposition, organised by Françoise Docquiert.
Lauréat : Nico Müller
Le Pavillon Pantin, Pantin / Exposition
Le Pavillon, département arts plastiques du Conservatoire à rayonnement départemental de Pantin, est un espace culturel de l’intercommunalité Est Ensemble dédié à l’enseignement des arts plastiques et à la diffusion de l’art contemporain. Pour la troisième année, le lauréat bénéficiera d’une exposition personnelle.
Exhibition. Le Pavillon, visual art department of the Conservatory of Pantin, is a cultural space of the intercommunity Est Ensemble, dedicated to plastic arts teaching programs and the exhibition of contemporary art. For the third year, the prize-winner will be awarded a solo show at the Pavillon’s gallery.
Lauréat : Maximilien Pellet
Galerie Barbara Polla, France-Suisse / Projet à imaginer
Project to be determined. Barbara Polla has been organising regular itinerant exhibitions since 2011, In France and abroad. She is open to new and bold ideas. The project is still to be determined, and will be established together with the artist.
Lauréat : Valentin Muller
La Source, La Gueroulde / Résidence et programme d’ateliers
Residency and workshop programme. La Source is a non profit organization that provides social and educative assistance through artistic expression. Founded in 1991 by artist Gérard Garouste, its mission is to help children and teenagers in difficult situations to develop their creativity. The winner will make a residency of three months and participate in this workshop programme.
Lauréat : David Perreard
Galerie du Tableau, Marseille / Exposition
Exhibition. Diem Perdidi is an organization created in 1990 and the object of which is “the promotion of the visual artists of the Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur”. Since 1991 the association manages the Galerie du Tableau in Marseille, presenting exhibitions to a semimonthly rhythm. The prize-winner will benefit from an exhibition in the gallery.
Lauréats : Maxim Brandt et Valentin Muller
Tribew, Paris / Édition E-Book
E-Book edition. Tribew is a digital book publisher specialising in art and culture. They support young creators through their collection of multi- media monographs, WorkOf. Their e-books are downloadable for free on tablets and smart phones. The winner will be awarded a publication.
Lauréat : Yue Yuan
Under Construction Gallery, Paris / Exposition
Exhibition. The under construction gallery was created in 2014 by Mireille Ronarc’h. It is a contemporary art gallery dedicated to up- and-coming artists. Intending to promote a diverse catalogue, the gallery encompasses a large panel of media: installations, paintings, videos, photography, drawing and performance art. The winner will be awarded a group show.
Lauréat : Kornel Zezula
Un-Spaced Gallery, Paris / Édition
Edition. The UN-SPACED Gallery is a virtual gallery started in 2013 which hosts exhibitions in ephemeral venues and presents works of art on social media. The gallery will select an artist’s work and accompany them in a publication which will both be made available to collectors on their website.
Lauréat : Émir Sehanovic
La Villa Belleville, Paris – Résidences de Paris Belleville, Paris / Accès à un atelier technique
La Villa Belleville, établissement culturel de la Ville de Paris consacré au soutien de la création émergente en arts plastiques, est gérée depuis décembre 2015 par le Collectif Curry Vavart. Le lauréat bénéficiera de l’accès à l’atelier technique de son choix pendant deux semaines.
Access to a workshop. The Villa Belleville is a cultural establishment of the City of Paris dedicated to supporting emerging visual art. It has been managed by the Curry Vavart collective since 2015. A selected artist will be granted access for 2 weeks to one of the Villa’s workshops to pursue their chosen project.
Lauréat : Eric Ramos Guerrero